Birds of a feather flock together

By Dr. Selim Erhan, TLT Editor | TLT From the Editor August 2024

Volunteering is an opportunity to find new communities for collaboration.

From left to right: TLT publisher/editor-in-chief Rachel Fowler, TLT editor Selim Erhan, TLT editorial coordinator Nicole Gleeson, TLT technical editor Kartik Pondicherry and TLT technical editor Christelle Chretien.

We mostly interact with colleagues who are working on similar projects, talking about chemistry and additive performance and new applications, new test methods and new instruments. This is quite a bit of material and of course keeps us focused on these items. In my role as TLT Editor I also am involved in the preparation of TLT and have the good fortune to be able to look into a different world—the world of publishing. We all enjoy the magazine, but to see how it is put together brings a higher level of appreciation. I feel part of a very nice family working in harmony supporting each other. I know former STLE executive director Ed Salek well, and since his retirement in January, I have had the pleasure of working with new STLE executive director Rebecca Lintow, TLT publisher/editor-in-chief Rachel Fowler and TLT editorial coordinator Nicole Gleeson. The support and coordination are so enjoyable that one immediately remembers the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together.”

I am a volunteer in this position, and it is not always easy to enjoy a volunteer job. But with Rachel, Nicole and Rebecca, I almost live in the “Mary Poppins” movie—the job becomes fun in a most delightful way! There is support, kindness, consideration, thoughtfulness, a very high level of efficiency and a whole group of people working together seamlessly!

Volunteering offers a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and work toward a common goal. STLE volunteers make the society more successful through their diverse backgrounds, interests and talents. There are many ways to volunteer—through committees, industry councils, local sections, education and more. Each year around March, TLT looks for Technical Editors who help create topic ideas for the magazine as well. I encourage you to volunteer within TLT or STLE—you will make a difference and meet some great people along the way. For more information, visit

I have had a few jobs, and some were where the birds of a feather had flocked together, and in some jobs there was a bird or two that were very difficult. I can say that these not so enjoyable experiences really make one appreciate it when a team works and supports each other so well. It also increases productivity, ingenuity and overall good health!

I want to thank the whole STLE team from the bottom of my heart and congratulate them for the wonderful job they are doing for STLE and for each other!

Dr. Selim Erhan is director of business development for Process Oils Inc. in Trout Valley, Ill. You can reach him at