STLE certification and new testing website

By Rebecca Lintow, CAE, Executive Director | TLT Headquarters Report July 2024

Invest in your greatest asset—yourself.

Research supports the claim that professional certification is a career booster, giving credibility, respect and integrity to the certified individual. In the tribology and lubrication field, STLE’s technical certifications are among the most respected, making the certified individual more valuable to their organization and customers, offering a competitive advantage and even leading to increased income. Becoming STLE certified not only verifies your technical expertise, it demonstrates your professional dedication to your employer, customers and peers.  

STLE offers four technical certification programs: Certified Lubrication Specialist ™, Certified Metalworking Fluids Specialist ™ and Certified Oil Monitoring Analyst I & II™. Here are explanations of each STLE certification: 

Certified Lubrication Specialist™ (CLS). A lubrication specialist is an individual who might be designated a “lubrication engineer” by his/her employer. However, it is not limited to this designation, as individuals from varied backgrounds, including sales and management, opt to become CLS certified to increase their credibility/ standards. 

Certified Metalworking Fluids Specialist™ (CMFS). Certified metalworking fluids specialists are those individuals who have met minimum standards of experience, knowledge and written requirements as established by the STLE Metalworking Fluids Certification Committee to provide technical consultation in the field of metalworking fluid management. Individuals should have a basic knowledge of fluid chemistry, machining processes, metallurgy, tooling filtration and waste treatment. 

Certified Oil Monitoring Analyst I™ (OMA I). Predictive maintenance professionals who oversee the oil analysis program for a shop/plant would be suited for OMA certification. OMA I is recommended for mechanics, engineers, operators, tradesmen, chemical managers or onsite lab personnel. 

Certified Oil Monitoring Analyst II™ (OMA II). Professionals working at the supervisory level are more suited for OMA II certification. OMA II is recommended for reliability engineers, lubrication engineers, tribologists, maintenance supervisors or onsite/ commercial lab management. 

Interested in earning a certification? Certification exams are now easier than ever to access with our new software. We took your feedback and made the following changes to create the best exam experience for our users: 
Streamlined workflow. No downloads! The platform works through your browser the same way as one of our webinars, Industry Insights or short courses to eliminate any site blocking or firewalls. 
Familiar user experience. Since STLE has already been using the learning management system, it is more recognizable and familiar to navigate to take exams. 
Immediate results. Get immediate feedback on your exam to celebrate success or identify areas for further mastery. 

Join the nearly 1,500 individuals who have invested in their careers with STLE certification. For more information, visit For questions, email or call 847-993-7919.

You can reach Certified Association Executive Rebecca Lintow at