20 Minutes With Andy Dudelston

By Rachel Fowler, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief | TLT 20 Minutes April 2024

This STLE Certified Metalworking Fluids Specialist™ Certification Committee chairman discusses metalworking fluids and updates from the committee.
Andy Dudelston - The Quick File
STLE member Andy Dudelston is the current chair of the STLE Certified Metalworking Fluids Specialist™ (CMFS) Certification Committee that has recently finished a two-year long project to refresh the CMFS examination. The committee also includes the following members:
Bob Austin, QualiChem Inc.
Jason Bealby, Quaker Houghton
Bill Downs, DuBois Chemicals, Inc.
Bridget Dubbert, Engineered Lubricants Co.
Karen Harrington, FUCHS Lubricants Co.
John Howcroft, BP-Castrol.
Greg Hutchison, Phillips 66 Co.
Jeff Mackey, Advanced Chemical 

Andy Dudelston

TLT: How long have you worked in a lubrication-related field, and how did you decide to pursue a career in the lubricants industry?
I have been involved with metalworking fluids since 1997 when I was approached by a small metalworking fluid supplier while I was working on my bachelor of science degree in chemistry. They were looking for someone to perform part-time work at a local customer’s facility. I took the job and have never looked back!

TLT: What has been your most rewarding accomplishment throughout your career in the lubricants industry?
When I look back, I have several projects that I reflect favorably upon. From launching major production lines with customers to introducing novel chemistries, they are all special in their own way. Having said that, I must say that the last two years as chair of the STLE CMFS Certification Committee have been very special to me. The committee came together to complete a daunting task in a way that I am extremely proud to have been a part of.

TLT: What are some of the most technical lubrication-based concepts or topics that you have encountered throughout your career?
I think the thing that has been the most challenging over the last 25 years is the rapid evolution of metalworking fluid chemistries needed to meet our customer’s needs. When I first started in the industry, basic soluble oils were still very popular and widely used. Then as demands for biostability, tighter machining tolerances and restrictions on popular raw materials evolved, so did our formulas. The formulas that I work with every day now were not even possible 25 years ago.

TLT: How did you get involved with STLE?
I was first exposed to STLE in 2005 when I sat for the CMFS exam. My involvement with the STLE CMFS Certification Committee started in late 2019, as one of my colleagues at Quaker Houghton was retiring. He was on the committee and thought that, since I was replacing him as a product manager, my involvement with the STLE CMFS Certification Committee would be a wise choice for all involved. I was formally approved to sit on the committee in 2020 and took over as chair in 2022.

TLT: What prompted you to obtain the CMFS certification?
In 2005 I knew that my career was progressing quickly, and to maintain that trajectory I would need additional certifications—CMFS was the obvious choice.

TLT: What are you currently working on with the STLE CMFS Certification Committee?
As I previously mentioned, the committee recently finished a complete refresh of the exam. We felt this was necessary due to the poor pass rates and declining number of people taking the exam. This exercise has resulted in an exam that is more aligned with the industry of today, and I am extremely proud of the entire team and this accomplishment.

TLT: What is the No. 1 piece of advice you would give to a person who might be interested in starting a career in the lubricants industry?
Patience. There is not one class or training seminar that will teach you everything you need to know to be successful in the lubricants industry. Some lessons must be learned through experience, and there is no substitute for that.

You can reach Andy Dudelston at Andrew.Dudelston@QuakerHoughton.com.