Benefits of getting involved

By Dr. Selim Erhan, TLT Editor | TLT From the Editor November 2023

There are several benefits to joining an STLE local section and working together as a team.

Members of the STLE Chicago Section.

I am sure most of us feel quite energized after our summer vacations, wrapping up garden work and essentials before winter months come. During this time, we start getting information from our societies about upcoming meetings, webinars and conferences. By this time STLE local section monthly meetings are well on their way. We are already planning for the coming year’s conferences, social outings and customer visits. If you want to add even more enjoyment to your preparations and use up all the momentum coming from the summer months, I will strongly recommend joining your STLE local section. 

There are several benefits that are not immediately obvious from the outside. Firstly, we are social creatures. We need human interaction. What better way to interact with fellow humans than when we are in an environment where we are knowledgeable and efficient? Our skills are needed and used for valuable outcomes! Everyone in the committees gathers around specific goals. Everyone has a way to contribute, which starts making us feel better. The goals are not complicated, and the road to the end is quite enjoyable. These goals can be preparing for an education course or finding recipients for scholarships and raising money for these scholarships or preparing for a social outing that can relax, enjoy and bond all that participate. Although we will be successful on the committees we choose to work on, we will still be able to learn more and improve our skills. Every project has its unique difficulties, and one grows in experience from the many ideas coming from fellow teammates. We approach problems as a team and think toward a common goal, and the results are always win-win situations. To be creative in a non-competitive and nurturing environment is a very good way to build our knowledge, thinking and self-confidence. 

Another set of benefits comes with the completion of the projects. We get a sense of satisfaction and boost our self-image from having achieved a good goal after several months of work. When I say work it is getting together, completing a few short-term goals and having a relaxing outing with a great dinner. So work is done but no longer is a chore or an obligation or something we need to cross off our list, but something we look forward to every month! 

These teams are always composed of senior members and junior members in our society. It is an ideal environment where the senior members can help by giving examples from their past experiences and junior members can liven spirits and pace with their boundless energy and enthusiasm. 

You also will start noticing how society in general is operating and start meeting many colleagues that you would normally not meet. You will see people like you who are making this big process work and making a difference. Each person has a wealth of information, so the benefits here are obvious. Your contributions will start paving the way to further participation and involvement, and the sky then is the limit. The proof is in the very senior members still joining and following society activities in their much later years. It is a continuing and growing joy! Come step into this wonderful world!

Dr. Selim Erhan is director of business development for Process Oils Inc. in Trout Valley, Ill. You can reach him at