10 things to pack for the STLE Annual Meeting

By Rachel Fowler, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief | TLT Publisher's Pen March 2023

It’s never too early to start planning for STLE’s premier event.

Although we are still about two months away, I’m already thinking about and getting ready for the STLE Annual Meeting.

Being in the Chicago area, in March, I’m normally excited for winter to end and spring to begin. Of course, winter weather can last longer than usual in this area, but I like that daylight is lasting longer. 

Although we are still about two months away, I’m already thinking about and getting ready for the STLE Annual Meeting, May 21- 25, in Long Beach, Calif. The average high temperature in Long Beach in May is 75 F, which sounds great right now. The ocean is just across the street from the Long Beach Convention Center, and the entire area is very nice to explore. 

I recently did a LinkedIn poll and asked my connections when they normally pack for a conference. Fifty-five percent shared that they pack the day before leaving. Twenty-four percent said they pack two or three days before, 14% said they pack a week before traveling, and 7% shared that they pack at the last minute. As for me, I’m the type of person who starts packing a week beforehand. But I’m a triple-checker in general! 

I hope you plan on joining us for the STLE Annual Meeting this May, and I realize it’s a little too early to pack. But here are 10 things I recommend bringing to the conference. 

1. Business cards. This is an essential item for any conference. You will meet and connect with new people and exhibitors, so it’s important to give them a way to reach out to you after the conference. It’s difficult to remember everyone you meet, so gathering business cards is important as well. If you don’t have a print copy, there are apps you can download for a digital business card. 

2. Phone. This item seems like a given, but it’s definitely an important one. Certain apps are helpful for travel and conferences, including airline apps and the STLE Mobile App (sponsored by Palmer Holland). You also can follow #STLE2023 on social media during the conference. 

3. Identification. This is another item that’s a given when traveling, but I’m sure many people forget this at home! I bring both my driver’s license and passport with me, just in case. 

4. Confirmation numbers. Sometimes hotels, airlines and conferences don’t have your reservation in the system, so I save my confirmation numbers and emails just in case this happens. Then you can prove that you paid and should have a reservation or registration. 

5. Chargers. Many attendees bring electronic devices such as phones, tablets and laptops, so it’s good to make sure you have chargers for all of them. I also recommend bringing a portable charger. Power outlets may not be easily accessible while in a technical session, and this would help if you need to quickly charge a device. 

6. Notebook and pen. Some attendees take notes on a tablet or laptop, but it’s still a good idea to have pen and paper with you. Sometimes it’s quicker to write things down instead of finding your device, powering it up and typing up a note. They are easier to fit in a bag as well. 

7. Tote or bag.
If you don’t want to pack one, STLE gives you a complimentary registration bag, sponsored by Azelis L&MF US, which is helpful for keeping all of your small belongings together. This is good to have when walking through the exhibition for anything you may pick up at the booths. The STLE registration bag also includes the program guide, TLT and more. 

8. Your personal schedule. If your conference schedule is filling up, it’s good to have it organized. You can print out a copy or organize your schedule in the STLE Mobile App or on a phone calendar. 

9. Sweater or jacket. The temperature in hotels and convention centers can be on the colder side, so I suggest packing an extra sweater or jacket so you stay comfortable.

10. Sandals. If you have time to check out the beach across the street, don’t forget to pack some extra footwear!

If anyone has advice on packing clothes efficiently, let me know. My suitcase never looks fully organized when I travel. I look forward to seeing you in May! 
You can reach TLT publisher/editor-in-chief Rachel Fowler at rfowler@stle.org.