Filling a gap
Edward P. Salek, CAE, Executive Director | TLT Headquarters Report September 2022
The STLE Digital Proceedings puts 2022 STLE Annual Meeting technical content at your fingertips.
STLE has a new and different information product that will multiply the value for our signature technical event for some and open new windows into the latest tribology research for others.
The offering is known as the STLE 2022 Annual Meeting Digital Proceedings. It consists of nearly 300 presentations made by researchers, practitioners and students from the 2022 STLE Annual Meeting this past May in Orlando, Fla. (USA).
The digital proceedings transforms the traditional proceedings concept by capturing each speaker’s technical presentation (PowerPoint slides with corresponding audio only) for inclusion in this digital resource. It is now accessible through STLE’s new online Learning Management System (LMS) at Content is available on demand and is searchable and organized by technical track and session. (For more on the LMS, see the Publisher’s Pen column).
All material contained in the proceedings was included with permission from the individuals who presented their work in Orlando. In cases where the presentation is not included, an abstract summary of any technical presentation that’s not recorded is included in the contents of each technical track and session. The presenter’s contact email is provided if you’d like further information. STLE education course presentations are not included in the proceedings.
This digital resource offers the opportunity for members of the global tribology and lubricants community to experience the meeting content more fully. Because multiple parallel sessions are presented over four days at the STLE Annual Meeting, even the most diligent participants can realistically attend only a fraction of the presentations. The proceedings site makes it possible to experience additional presentations or to revisit talks that were of particular interest. For individuals who could not attend the 2022 STLE Annual Meeting, the digital proceedings are an alternative for accessing the latest in tribology research and applications.
Individuals who attended the meeting and gave a presentation receive free access to the digital proceedings. Pricing for members who attended but did not present is $149 ($49 for student members). Prices are higher for non-members and non-attendees. All material in the proceedings will be available until Jan. 13, 2023.
This latest digital information product is consistent with an STLE strategic goal: To enhance the recognition and importance of STLE technical events through program development and increased attendance.
While the proceedings is a valuable resource, we urge you to think of it as an enhancement of the STLE Annual Meeting, not as an alternative. Technical information alone is no substitute for the extraordinary networking and education experience that comes from attending a live meeting.
For those looking ahead, the next opportunity comes May 21-25, 2023 when the 2023 STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, Calif. (USA).
You can reach Certified Association Executive Ed Salek at