A welcoming environment for all
Edward P. Salek, CAE, Executive Director | TLT Headquarters Report July 2021
STLE’s Board of Directors endorses diversity and inclusion.
Oscar Wilde, the celebrated Irish poet and playwright, reportedly once wrote, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” This quote is just one of hundreds attributed to Wilde, who had a knack for combining humor and wisdom in observations about all aspects of life.
While this comment likely relates to 19th Century society and its norms, the “be yourself” admonition still applies to many aspects of our 21st Century world. For the business and professional sector, it’s consistent with the recognition that there is ample and untapped strength in diversity.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that diversity on teams brings better results. McKinsey Consulting advises its global clients that, “Whatever your personality, increasing your chances of success starts with understanding yourself, your colleagues and the role all personalities play.” Books have been written debunking the myth that extroverts run the business world. There is a consensus that organizations which embrace diversity recognize that doing what’s right also is a solid business strategy.
STLE, like many other scientific and professional organizations, has declared its belief in this philosophy by creating a Diversity and Inclusion statement. The statement, adopted by the STLE Board of Directors in April, appears in full at
www.stle.org. This excerpt captures the essence of the message:
The Society welcomes and encourages participation by all individuals regardless of age, culture, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, national origin, physical or mental difference, politics, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or subculture. We strive to cultivate a society built on mentorship, encouragement, tolerance, and mutual respect, thereby engendering a welcoming environment for all.
While the Diversity and Inclusion statement is new, STLE already had adopted related policies dealing with aspects of what we now call a welcoming environment. One example is the Harassment Policy for Programs and Activities (2012). It says in part:
The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (“STLE” or the “Society”) is committed to providing an atmosphere that encourages the free expression and exchange of scientific ideas. As part of that commitment, it is dedicated to promoting an environment that is safe and comfortable for all participants in Society-related programs and activities and that encourages respect for the dignity of each individual.
A Privacy Policy that has been in effect for many years is taking on greater importance in the digitally connected world. There are many details in the Privacy Policy, but one of the most simply stated also is among the most essential. Per this policy, STLE promises members that we will never sell personal data that’s collected when people pay dues, register for meetings or engage with the Society in other ways.
A final policy to note is the STLE member Code of Conduct (available at
www.stle.org). One of nine points asks members to “conduct themselves and their activities in a professional manner marked by integrity and a spirit of fair play.” STLE is committed to this same standard of conduct as the organization looks for ways to make the new welcoming environment promise a reality for everyone involved in the tribology and lubricants community.
You can reach Certified Association Executive Ed Salek at esalek@stle.org.