Technical education reimagined
Edward P. Salek, CAE, Executive Director | TLT Headquarters Report March 2021
2021 demands a new format, but best-in-class quality is unchanged.
‘The virtual format in 2021 offers participants the opportunity to attend a greater variety of courses and makes the program accessible to a much larger audience.’
STLE’s highly regarded continuing professional education courses will not be offered during the 2021 STLE Virtual Annual Meeting & Exhibition—and that’s a good thing!
The STLE Education Committee, which plans and presents the program, did some creative thinking about ways to keep the courses at peak value while shifting to an online environment this year.
Courses will be presented during five separate weeks in May and June, skipping the week of May 17-21, when the Virtual Annual Meeting takes place. This departure from the traditional format, when courses are offered in conjunction with the face-to-face meeting, offers attendees several benefits.
For example, because no courses will overlap, individuals can attend the Virtual Annual Meeting and trade show and still take one or more courses prior to or after Annual Meeting week.
“Like so many things today, the education program has had to be reworked because of current realities. But this also creates some unique benefits,” says Ramoun Mourhatch, Chevron Oronite, STLE Education Committee chair. “The virtual format in 2021 offers participants the opportunity to attend a greater variety of courses and makes the program accessible to a much larger audience. And thanks to the efforts of our course instructors, who have adapted their material to the online format, the “best-in-class” quality of the education will not be affected.”
The schedule will include two basic lubrication courses, two advanced lubrication courses and a metalworking fluids course. Each course is a two-day event on Tuesday and Wednesday of its respective week. The course modules will be pre-recorded presentations, followed by a live Q&A with the presenter.
STLE 2021 Education Course Schedule
Basic Lubrication 101
May 4-5
Basic Lubrication 102
May 11-12
STLE Virtual Annual Meeting & Exhibition
May 17-20
Metalworking Fluids 105
May 25-26
Advanced Lubrication 301
June 1-2
Advanced Lubrication 302
June 8-9
Visit for full course descriptions and registration information.
Sessions will be available for course attendees on STLE’s Learning Management System for 90 days after the event. Only individuals who attend a course can access the archived material. Virtual courses are eligible to complete requirements toward renewal of all STLE certifications.
Registration fees are:
• $275 per course for members ($375 non-members) through March 31
• $300 per course for members ($400 non-members) April 1 and later.
Corporate member companies can use their program benefits toward course registration.
Make plans to benefit from this new chapter in STLE education!
You can reach Certified Association Executive Ed Salek at