Member perks: Giving you a solid 10
Edward P. Salek, CAE, Executive Director | TLT Headquarters Report September 2018
Any way you look at it, STLE membership is a good value.
Manufacturing is one of six key lubrication markets studied in STLE’s emerging trends report. Members can access a free copy at
© Can Stock Photo / zhuzhu
When people ask about the benefits of STLE membership, the best answer is to state our value proposition: Connect, Learn and Achieve. Those three words capture why membership numbers are growing and satisfaction scores top 90%.
But there’s also a tangible return on investment that technical professionals receive when they choose STLE membership. This second value proposition is access to resources and discounts that can enhance your career and expand opportunities.
Here are details on 10 of STLE’s best member values.
1.) Multi-year discounts. STLE offers a $10 savings for a two-year membership and $30 on a three-year membership.
2.) Research library. STLE membership includes unlimited access to all current plus thousands of archived research papers in three tribology journals: Tribology Transactions, Tribology Letters and Tribology Online (published by the Japanese Society of Tribologists). The non-member subscription fee for Tribology Transactions alone is more than $600.
3.) Learning Pathways. This is an online resource library that helps lubrication professionals align and target their education and career-development needs. Pathways organizes and provides access to peer-reviewed educational resources, including Webinars, short courses, articles and book chapters.
4.) Local sections. When you join STLE, you automatically become a member of a group of peers in your geography at no additional charge. STLE local sections provide technical programming, offer educational meetings, host networking and social events and create sponsorships for deserving undergraduate and graduate students with tribology-related majors.
5.) STLE 365 App. This new service keeps you connected with our organization year-round. Many members use it as a guide to the technical program at STLE’s annual meeting, which includes more than 500 paper presentations. The STLE 365 App adds fingertip convenience to such functions as reading TLT online, viewing STLE’s events calendar and connecting with peers through our membership database.
6.) Publications discounts. STLE membership brings savings of up to 25% on nearly 70 tribology books and many other science and engineering titles published by CRC Press. STLE and CRC have worked together for decades to provide the latest and best collection of technical information available to our members and the industry as a whole.
7.) Online Career Center. Job candidates seeking employment in the lubricants field can post a resume publicly or anonymously. STLE’s Online Career Center includes a job-alert system that notifies you by email of new job opportunities that match your search criteria.
8.) Career resources. As an extension of the career center, STLE hosts an early career resources page serving this membership segment. The page provides networking tools and dozens of non-technical articles and tips aimed at the young professional.
9.) Industry intelligence. Download authoritative white paper reports from The latest is STLE’s 2017 Report on Emerging Issues and Trends in Tribology and Lubrication Engineering. The report studies six field discipline areas: transportation, medical/health, energy, manufacturing, communications and data management and atomistic processes.
10.) Credibility. Finally, members can show they are part of a community of experts by using the STLE name, acronym and logo on their letterhead and business cards. Adding the initials of one of STLE’s certifications further distinguishes you as among the technical elite with customers and employers. Just make sure the usage doesn’t indicate, directly or indirectly, STLE endorsement of your business, services or products.
All of these benefits, plus more, are accessible through the STLE Website and the 365 App. Get full value for your membership by putting them to work today, or join the society at
You can reach Certified Association Executive Ed Salek at