STLE is 65 years old. What is the reason for the society’s longevity?
TLT Sounding Board June 2009
STLE celebrated a momentous anniversary this year, turning 65 years old. On March 3, 1944, a group of Chicago executives paid $10 to the state of Illinois to create the American Society of Lubrication Engineers, the original name of the organization that would become STLE. More than 130 readers answered this month’s survey to offer their perspectives on STLE’s longevity and what membership in the society means to them.
Technical needs in the industry require an industry organization to be a gathering and disseminating point.
The society established excellent connections with industry.
It has a broad range of interests, including lubricant suppliers, lubricant users, academics, additive suppliers, equipment suppliers, etc.
The tireless and selfless efforts of many dedicated lube nerds.
STLE has enduring, old-fashioned, time-tested qualities.
STLE fills the need for making contacts and furthering education in a generally ignored area of technology.
STLE’s certifications and publications are the best in the industry.
Over the years, STLE has grown with its membership and has adapted to the changing needs of its stakeholders.
All industries should have a professional organization such as STLE. It has passed the test of time because of the dedication of its members.
Ability to adapt to the changing times and the body of research that it develops and presents yearly.
There is a need for expertise and knowledge in this field because of the bottom line effect on all businesses.
Because of the outstanding support STLE has provided to its members.
Outstanding participation and value-added services provided.
It’s the best source for state-of-the-art information on lubrication chemistry.
Central technical source of information, both new and established.
There is a definite need for TLT magazine.
The science of lubrication, tribology, is a most important element in our everyday life. Much of the advancements made in society today could not have been accomplished without a basic understanding of all elements in tribology.
There is a basic need for tribology, and STLE is a vital spokesperson for the science.
This stuff isn’t taught in school, and STLE is the most effective way to spread this knowledge.
STLE definitely has very good practical and theoretical results to help save energy losses due to the friction. A real interest in tribology from both industry and academia has been growing each year. Today good tribological practice saves industry billions of dollars each year. Companies from various industries realize that without making effective tribological decisions, they are not able to create high quality and competitive products.
A strong professional membership and good leadership over these many years.
Because of dedicated members and staff.
STLE is the heart of a highly specialized and dispersed professional community.
STLE is the best because it represents all the different engineers and scientists who make the world run smoother.
It fills an area no other society fills.
STLE’s national and sectional meetings provide an opportunity for an individual to network with fellow professionals in the petroleum industry. Plus the knowledge gained at national and sectional meetings is current and relevant to petroleum industry employees. STLE’s published materials are a valuable source of industry news, industry trends, as well as keeping up with industry innovations within the petroleum industry.
STLE has maintained its course of survival due to steadfast focus, strong strategic planning and well-equipped visionary leaders throughout the journey.
It is providing a network of people and information around which there is no other forum or educational format.
Lubrication remains a vital part of society.
Wow! 65, and to think that Dr. H. Peter Jost only coined the term tribology 43 years ago.
As equipment becomes more complicated, lubrication becomes more important.
It provides an avenue of comradeship, learning and mentoring, along with providing current market and technical industry trends.
It’s the primary metalworking association and offers good contacts.
The society has always been successful in anticipating the needs of the tribology community and managed to come up with offerings and services that added value to the membership.
Good independent body that enables sellers and users to get together to discuss technical issues. Excellent education programs.
Provides good access to information at a fair price. Not too pushy.
It is a forum for the education and dissemination of new information to all workers in the lubrication industry.
STLE is the connective fiber of a greatly diverse group (researchers, users, suppliers and manufacturers) who have a common objective.
The society cares.
How long have you been an STLE member?
Less than a year
1-3 years
4-6 years
7-10 years
More than 10 years
More than 20 years
More than 30 years
Based on results from 138 respondents.
What does your STLE membership mean to you?
It affords me a chance to network with people from other companies in my area at our monthly meetings. It also gives me the chance to expand my lubricants knowledge with the courses offered at the national meeting.
Respect from peers.
Professional certification and recognition to end-user customers.
My STLE membership and certification are of value to me, my customers and my employer.
It gives one a professional status that is not available anywhere else. The network of resources is vast and available.
It gives me credibility in my career and in the industry.
Fellowship, knowledge, recognition, connections, contacts.
My job. I can honestly say that only because of the networking within our local section have I found a job I love.
Prestige, prominence in the industry.
50 years of learning and camaraderie.
STLE has provided me with a tremendous opportunity to learn about various lubricant topics on a continuous basis. The networking opportunities have been invaluable to my business.
It represents an achievement when you get your CLS, OMA I, etc. Your peers notice your accomplishments.
Being up to date with latest research, development and applications.
I go to the annual STLE meeting in May for a reduced price and get a tricked out name tag.
That I am a recognized member within a very large, well-thought-of organization that assists those within the lubrication community.
A chance to compare notes with others in the same industry.
The ability to keep up with market trends.
It keeps me updated on the latest advances and industrial applications in the world of tribology.
It provides a great resource for lubrication and other related activities.
You get to meet people who are detail-minded. This is refreshing!
STLE has been the one constant source of industrial expertise throughout my career.
An opportunity to meet with peers, discuss common challenges (non-proprietary ones, of course) and hear about approaches that give me a new way of looking at my own work.
Access to thought leaders in the lubricants industry.
Support for my role as lubrication specialist in our company.
In my profession as an industrial sales representative, STLE sessions open up new horizons in the industrial marketplace that benefits me in my everyday work habits.
Great education and networking.
It shows that I care to know and do the very best that I can when it comes to lubes and reliability of equipment. And to do this you have to be around and know the same type of people that continue to learn from each other, so that we can all be as up to date as possible.
State-of-the-art information.
STLE is key for me in keeping up with technology and maintaining a business network.
It keeps me in contact with the peers and colleagues of my industry as a source of information and friendships.
Good ongoing updates on tech and application development. Good regional meetings. Good networking.
Having STLE membership provides a sense of pride and professionalism.
I would not be the professional I am today without the education and networking opportunities I received through STLE membership, participation and volunteerism.
It helps identify me as a professional involved in the field of lubrication.
My STLE membership, along with my CLS & OMA I certifications, gives me immediate credibility as a sales/technical engineer in the petroleum industry.
Opportunity for networking and job searching.
Friendship, knowledge, meetings and peer reviews!
A level of international recognition in the industry.
STLE means a reliable source of valid technical and professional information through publications, meetings and educational programs.
Access to the best analysts and lubrication engineers in the U.S.
Two words: TLT magazine.
Ability to reach a target audience effectively and efficiently.
TLT, Web pages, community.
Networking at its best.
The annual meetings are priceless in terms of customer interaction.
STLE is my professional forum and a major source of information exchange, given that my entire career has been in oil analysis and condition monitoring.
I’m retired, so STLE keeps me in touch with former colleagues.
My membership and CLS certification mean I meet the recognized industry standard set by the world’s leading tribologist and lubrication engineers society.
My membership primarily offers me access to the extensive network of tribologists, engineers and experts in my professional field. I find the society’s communications, publications and related technical inputs very useful. My only regret is that, being located outside the U.S., I am unable to derive the full benefits from the training programs and conferences. I sincerely hope STLE will step outside the geographical boundary of North America/Canada in the near future and become truly accessible to international members.
It is a great pleasure for me to be an STLE member.
A source of pride when working with lubricants. I do not mean this in a boastful way but in a way that assures that there is enough knowledge to perform a job in an efficient, safe and correct manner.
That I am affiliated with an organization that informs and educates me every time I need information and education.
I value STLE membership because it is a window of varied perspective on the world of researchers, users, suppliers and manufacturers of lubricants.
Constant access to an exceptional flow of vital technical information, which reassures my colleagues, clients and customers that I am right on the ball!
Being a member of a big family of industry professionals makes me feel proud, more respected, confident and prestigious.
The combination of the Web site, contacts, the annual meeting and TLT is much more useful than similar organizations in other markets.
STLE gives me the opportunity to learn and grow in my job. It has brought me great joy and fulfillment, kinda like an enema.
My favorite society—tribology is exciting!
Editor’s Note: Sounding Board is based on an e-mail survey of 7,200 TLT readers. Views expressed are those of the respondents and do not reflect the opinions of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. STLE does not vouch for the technical accuracy of opinions expressed in Sounding Board, nor does inclusion of a comment represent an endorsement of the technology by STLE.