Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award

Named for a former STLE President, the Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award recognizes the outstanding paper written on the practical aspects of lubrication published by the society during the prior year. STLE members only are eligible.
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Full NameAffiliationYearAward
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Dr. Victor BrizmerSKF Research and Technology Development Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award
Miss Rachel JanuszewskiInfineum UK Ltd Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award
Dr. Amir KadiricImperial College London Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award
Dr. Piet M. LugtSKF Research and Technology Development2023Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award
Dr. Tom W. Lai 2022Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award
Dr. Mark Thomas DevlinRetired2021Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award
Dr. Jeffrey M. GuevremontAmerican Refining Group, Inc.2021Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award
Mr. Jens Johansson 2021Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award
Braham Prakash, Ph.D, Head of TribolabLuleå University of Technology2021Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award
Dr. David Lawrence BurrisUniversity of Delaware2020Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award
Mr. Gary L. Doll, Ph.DRetired2020Wilbur Deutsch Memorial Award