STLE Mobile App FAQs

How do I log in to the app?
To access the app, you must be logged in. If you are an STLE member, your username and password are the same as your STLE account. If you don’t know these credentials, STLE staff can look them up or reset your password.

If you are not a member, you will need to create a new account for the mobile app.

How do I add a session to my schedule?
First, choose the Annual Meeting event in the app. To view sessions by date/time, choose the Talks option in the Dashboard. To browse sessions by Track, choose the Sessions option and then the Track you are interested in. Add a session to your schedule by clicking the + icon next to the session name.

How do I view my schedule?
First, choose the Annual Meeting event in the app. Then choose the Talks option in the Dashboard. At the top you will see two options, All Sessions and My Sessions. My Sessions will show your schedule, which consists of the events you have added in the app. You have to create your schedule in the app by adding sessions using the + icon next to the session name in the All Sessions list.

How do I access the lead retrieval system?
Booth staff must be tagged in our database for this event in order to grant them access to the lead retrieval function. Please use this form to request badges for your booth staff.

This request form will create Exhibit Hall Only badges for your staff who are working in the exhibit hall at your booth and grant access to use the lead retrieval system. Our new lead retrieval system is built into the STLE mobile app. You are allowed 4 booth staff per 10x10 booth.

Where can I find a map?
First, choose the Annual Meeting event in the app. Maps of the Minneapolis Convention Center and the Exhibit Hall floorplan can be found in the Floormaps section of the Dashboard. When you select Floormaps, you will be prompted with a pop-up to choose Exhibit Floor, Level One, or Level Two.

How do I message another attendee using the app?
First, choose the Annual Meeting event in the app. Then choose the Connect option in the Dashboard. This will take you to a list of attendees. You can only connect with attendees who are using the app. If an attendee is using the app, you will see a “Connect” option next to their name. Clicking it will send them a request. Once they accept the request, you can send them a message. Your messages will show under the Messages option and your pending Connect requests, both sent and received, will show under the Requests option.

I do not want to be contacted through the app. How can I turn off this feature?
First, choose the Annual Meeting event in the app. Then choose the Attendee Profile option in the Dashboard, and toggle the “Opt-out of Attendee list” option.

How can I change my privacy settings?
Open the STLE Mobile App and choose the 2024 STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition event.

In the Dashboard, select the Connect option.

Find your name in the Attendees list, or use the search bar at the top right of the screen to search for your name.

Selecting your name in the Attendees list will open your Profile. In the top right corner, there is a pencil icon. Click the pencil to open the Edit Profile screen.

Scroll down to the section labeled Privacy.

Checking the boxes under the Privacy section will hide your contact info. You can choose to display or suppress whichever information you choose, but the default setting is to only display an address, and suppress all other options.